IBIS Studio

Dec 16, 20212 min

Why You Should Heed The CDC's Holiday Tips

In May 2020, criteria presented by WHO indicate a less than 5% positive COVID rate is a sign the epidemic in a country is under control. We are not currently below 5% in the United States, and you may be wondering what this means for you and your family during the holiday season. Essentially, it means you can enjoy your favorite holiday traditions, but you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from the risk of COVID-19 using tools like masks and COVID testing services.

The Top 7 Ways to Slow COVID-19 Spread

  1. Wear Masks to Cover your Mouth and Nose

  2. Stay 6 Feet Apart from People in Public

  3. Get Vaccinated as Soon as Possible

  4. Avoid Poorly Ventilated Indoor Areas

  5. Avoid Crowds

  6. Wash Your Hands Often and Use Hand Sanitizer

  7. Get Tested Using COVID Testing Services

Follow the CDC's Holiday Tips

Celebrate the holidays safely by following the CDC's holiday tips. Young children not old enough for vaccinations should only be around vaccinated people. This is especially true for children under 2 years of age that cannot wear masks.

Wear Masks

Masks are an important defense against COVID-19 whether you are fully vaccinated or not. Be sure to wear a well-fitting mask that covers both your mouth and nose while in public indoor settings. This is especially true if you are in a community with high to substantial risks for transmission.

Use COVID Testing Services

COVID testing services give you much-needed information about the risks of spreading the virus. Use COVID testing services before joining gatherings with people other than those in your household. If you test positive, you are infected and shouldn't host or go to holiday gatherings. Negative results mean you are not infected. COVID testing services are a great way to ensure you and your family stay healthy. If you are not sure how to read test results, talk to your healthcare provider.

Take Special Considerations

Fully vaccinated people with a weakened immune system may not stay protected even after receiving an additional dose. Take every precaution recommended for people that are unvaccinated. Continue to wear well-fitted masks and keep your distance until a healthcare provider states otherwise. Get tested and follow the CDC's holiday tips to ensure your entire family enjoys safer holidays.
